同胞血泪, 不容遗忘!
-- 密西根史迹维护会纪念南京大屠杀七十周年

密西根史迹维护会将于2008年2月24日下午1:30PM在Farmington Hills的Holocaust Center举办纪念南京大屠杀七十周年活动,地址是: 28123 Orchard Lake Road Farmington Hills, MI 48334。纪念活动由两 部分组成:第一部分,由朱永德教授讲授有关南京大屠杀的史实;第 二部分,电影欣赏:“Iris Chang: The woman who could not forget the Rape of Nanking。”此次纪念活动将对华裔同胞免费开放,不过请大家 提前与活动的志愿人员联系,以便安排座位。

南京大屠杀是侵华日军于1937年12月13日攻陷中华民国首都南京 之后,在南京城及其郊区犯下的大规模屠杀、强奸以及纵火,抢掠等 战争罪行与反人类罪行。南京军事法庭经过长期调查之后认定,遇难 者总人数在30万以上,这一数字在中国被普遍接受,并被刻在侵华日 军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆的石壁上。而远东国际军事法庭的调查 则认为,日军在攻占南京后的6个星期之内,杀害平民和战俘人数在 20万人以上;日军在攻占南京后一个月之内,强奸中国妇女约2万起; 另外,南京城有三分之一被日军有意纵火烧毁。更有甚者,在南京大 屠杀期间,日本军人屠杀中国平民和放下武器的国军战俘手段之殘 忍,到觸目驚心,令人髮指的程度,就连当时居住在南京城裡的納粹 德国人士,对南京大屠杀情景之殘暴,也驚嚇萬分。

这就是历史的事实。 同胞的血泪, 不容我们遗忘!

南京大屠杀到現在已經整整七十年了, 斗转星移, 人世变迁。 令人 遗憾甚至心寒的是南京大屠杀至今仍是不太为世人所知的一个地区性 事件, 並不能像納粹德國屠杀猶太人事件一樣为世界大多数人所了解 和关注。 日本右翼集团更是肆意歪曲, 刻意隱瞞和否认南京大屠杀的 存在, 以各種手段和方式來否認、掩飾、曲解、淡化南京大屠杀和日 本军国主义者侵略中国的事实。

为了让更多的人, 特别是更多的青少年, 了解南京大屠杀, 了解日 本军国主义者侵略中国的历史真相, 密西根史迹维护会 (Michigan Historical Society of WWII in Asia) 特别在南京大屠杀七十周年之际, 举办活动, 纪念死难的同胞, 同时也纪念《南京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀》 一书的作者張純如女士。

张纯如女士出生于美国新泽西州的普林斯顿,毕业于美国伊利诺大 学新闻系,后曾在美联社和《芝加哥论坛报》工作,并成为媒体、杂 志的自由撰稿人。张纯如女士穷数年之心力,全力挖掘南京大屠杀的真 相, 经过鍥而不捨的採訪和条分缕析的清理工作, 于1997 年出版《南 京暴行:被遗忘的大屠杀》一书,全方位地叙述了第二次世界大战期 间日本军队在南京的暴行。 张书一出版, 立即成为美国最畅销的非小 说书籍,并在国际史学界引起很大注意和讨论。张纯如女士后来患上 严重的忧郁症,2004 年11 月9 日被人发现在自己的汽车内自杀身亡。 张纯如女士生前为美国华人组织 “百人会” 的成员, 对于华裔在美 国所受到的一些不公平待遇,常常仗义执言:在李文和被控间谍案时, 她是少数站出来对不公平做法予以谴责的知名华人之一。

电影 “Iris Chang: The woman who could not forget the Rape of Nanking” 推出之后, 在北美各地反响强烈。 密西根史迹维护会 有幸能在本片世界首映之前,特别洽商借得放映的權力,只是碍 于合约规定, 只能放映一場。所以机会难得, 请各位同胞不要错 过。

有愿望参加南京大屠杀七十周年纪念活动者, 敬请与下列人 士联系:
张正义 (248) 766-1398
周士建 (248) 852-8666
李维灏 (248) 471-1688
周 春 (248) 504-0152
侯俊文 (248) 390-0545
郭永宏 (734) 207-3577
朱立志 (313) 354-5973
胡士滨 (248) 214-6007
曹文江 (248) 349-6260
张晓颖 (248) 879-7995
傅曼玲 (248) 705-6334
傅蓓蒂 (248) 474-1658
熊 鹰 (248) 703-9962
严慈庆 (734) 332-1686
倪黎松 (734) 763-6672
陈嘉全 (743) 981-1866
吉令旭 (248) 844-5109

Michigan Historical Society of WWII in Asia

In Remembrance of the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre
In Memory of Iris Chang

invites you to join us for

The 70th Anniversary of the Nanjing Massacre

Speaker: Professor Yongde Zhu
Movie: Iris Chang: The woman who could not forget The Rape of Nanking
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Date: February, 24, 2008
Place: Holocaust Center, 28123 Orchard Lake Road, Farmington Hills, Mi 48334

Seventy years ago, history witnessed the Nanjing Massacre, one of the most severe and brutal war crimes committed by the Japanese military to the Chinese people during the Second Sino-Japanese War (more commonly known as “War of Resistance Against Japan” or “War of Resistance” in Chinese) at the beginning of World War II. The rampage of killing and raping started on December 13, 1937 and went on till mid February of 1938 in and around the city of Nanjing (then called Nanking). Within several weeks, the Japanese Army slaughtered over three hundred thousand Chinese POWs and unarmed civilians, including women, children and infants, by the most inhumane means with brutality beyond imagination. It was the Holocaust in the East.

Unfortunately, the Nanjing Massacre is hardly as widely known as the Holocaust. Contrary to German, the Japanese government has never made any official apology to the Chinese people for their war crimes. Instead, they have constantly denied their responsibility of their wrong doings, and have been continuously and intentionally rewriting wartime history in their school text books, all in an effort to raise doubts about the long accepted historical facts, to make their young people unaware of or forget the atrocities and damages they inflicted to the Chinese people.

However, Ms. Iris Chang would not let the Nanjing Massacre be forgotten. A leading young historian in America, Chang published her book “The Rape of Nanking” after two years of research. The book depicted in detail the killing, torture, and rape that occurred during the Nanking Massacre and remained on New York Times bestseller’s list for several months. Regretfully the book also made Chang so sad that she finally succumbed to her battle with depression and passed in a self-inflicted gunshot in November 2004. In tribute to Chang, the Canadian Historical Society of WWII in Asia made a documentary “Iris Chang: The woman who could not forget the Rape of Nanjing” which has received strong positive responses in North America. The Michigan Historical Society of WWII in Asia has the privilege to show this movie to all people that are interested to learn more about the Nanjing Massacre and Iris Chang. Due to the contract constraint, this will be the only opportunity for us to show this movie. Please join us to remember the Nanjing Massacre. Let’s not forget. History, when forgotten, is bound to repeat itself.

If interested in attending this free event, please reserve your seat by contacting one of the following volunteers:
Zhengyi Zhang: (248) 766-1398 Walter Zhou: (248) 852-8666 Weiying Li: (248) 471-1688
Chun Zhou: (248) 504-0152 Junwen Hou: (248) 390-0545 Yonghong Guo: (734) 207-3577
Lizhi Zhu: (313) 354-5973 Shibin Hu: (248) 214-6007 Wenjiang Cao: (248) 349-6260
Xiaoyin Zhang: (248) 879-7995 Manling Fu: (248) 705-6334 Beidi Fu: (248) 474-1658
Doris Xiong: (248) 703-9962 Ciqing Yan: (734) 332-1686 Lisong Ni: (734) 763-6672
Jiaquan Chen: (743) 981-1866 Lingxu Ji: (248) 844-5109
